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Osborne Cottage

The original cottage was bought by Victoria in 1845 and improved the following year. In 1855 Prince Albert made drawings for a new building which he gave to the architect Albert Jenkins Humbert.

The house was completed in 1857 in time for the visit of the Emperor Napoleon III of France’s entourage to use it. Various additions and alterations were done throughout the nineteenth century including a connected covered passageway to Albert Cottage. The view from York Avenue is of the back of the house. A grander entrance opens onto the original Old Road. After Queen Victorias death, it became the island home of her daughter, Princess Beatrice. It was sold in 1913 and has had a number of owners since.

It is now divided into separate houses.




The entrance on Old Road

Downhill to next

   Uphill to next

Funded by the

East Cowes Community Partnership